Wednesday 7 August 2013

Rough Draft ..

New Folder- English Assignment –Document 1- Event that changed my life

Ballet   Dancing was, is and always has been my passion since I was four . Most of the boys aspired to be an engineer, a doctor but I..
I wanted to be a ballet dancer...
We all have that one person who is important to us, someone who’s special and means everything to us no matter how good or bad they are. I had someone like that. Her name was Mia.
They say people often pen down the things they can’t say .I am doing the same
 This story is not about friendship neither is it about love . It’s about the things I dint say or I dint do.
     I knew Mia since I was 3. We grew up together to being really good friends. No one understood me as she did. She was my person. She was a  free spirited person. She always inspired me to do whatever I wanted to and to follow my dream.  She believed in my values and  my dreams. She knew I would grow up to be a ballet dancer and a good ballet dancer.
  It was not any other day.. It was probably the most important day of my life. For the first time I  was performing at the Savoy theatre of London .  A Big   show.  A Big  Day. And Mia’s random visits were ever shocking. But this one was not a random visit instead it was shocking. She came home to tell me that she’s got a severe headache and she won’t be coming for my show. We have a horrible argument. She was trying to tell me how I should understand that she had a terrible headache and I was trying to tell her how I wanted her to come to see me perform. It no more remained an argument it now turned into a big fight which resulted in me slamming the door and me saying something that I‘ve never told her in the fifteen years of our championship.
I gave my performance leaving this matter  aside. It was my first performance in front of such a huge audience I could not let myself down. After the performance was over I went to my mom her eyes was filled with tears, I hugged her , she was silent , she was shivering.  She cried to me saying that Mia had met with a massive accident on her way here and that she was no more. I was numb, I blanked out I wanted to believe all of this was one big joke. Who would have guessed that tears in a mothers eyes after her son’s performance would turn out to be like this.
It’s been a  year to Mia’s death. And never have I  talked about her to anyone neither  my family nor her’s not even our common friends . I am supposed to write an assignment   about one event that changed my life and give in a rough draft to Miss Angela by tomorrow afternoon. This one event took  away my everything and changed my life forever.
They say when a person dies all that the person thinks about  is the last memory they shared with the one’s  they love .  Mia’s last memory with me was ‘I slamming the door on her face’ and me telling  her ‘I hate you’. I have  been living with this guilt and its surely one of the worst feelings ever, knowing that I was giving my best performance and Mia battling with life and death.
Her mom keeps telling me as to how proud she would be or rather was , but what is the point of this. When I couldn’t even keep our  last memory in Mia’s mind a happy one.
Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small like when we do a bad thing for a good reason. Some are bigger when you let down a friend. Some of us escape the pain of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have a little time for regret because we’re looking to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past , and sometimes we bury our regret by promising to change your own ways.
But, our biggest regrets are not for the things we did, But for the things we didn’t   do . Things we didn’t say that could’ve save someone that we care about. Especially when we can’t see the darkness headed their way. Like me.

So go ahead and tell a loved one that you love them, Do things that make them happy and make the best of memories.
Because more than life not being so beautiful as it sounds it is, it  kicks you up , beats you and scares you and above all its unpredictable. And you don’t  not know what’s coming next.
One event that changed my life.

File Save- Event that changed my life (Rough Draft) 

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